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Covid-19 Practices

During this unprecedented time everyone here at NGB Property Management is focusing on protecting the health and safety of our residents, clients, and staff. We follow the guidelines of the CDC, NYS Health Department, and Governor of New York closely. All of our field staff have been provided with and use masks and sanitizing products. We're practicing social distancing whenever we are in the vicinity of others. Our team notifies all residents and clients in advance of visits to their homes. They are not required to be present for us to complete our work. We wipe down surfaces we come in contact with and do not share the tools we work with. We listen closely to the needs of our residents, clients, and staff. If anyone feels uncomfortable with anything we do not move forward. Should a resident express concerns regarding our upcoming visit we offer to reschedule until they feel more comfortable. If a staff member experiences any cold or flu-like symptoms we immediately send them home until they've been tested.

Our office has remained closed to the public and our office staff practices social distancing.

The health and safety of our residents, clients, and staff is our top priority during these challenging times.

Helpful Links to websites we follow during Covid-19

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